Traffic disruptions on Boulevard des Moulins to continue throughout summer

Improvements to the guttering network and road surface along the Boulevard des Moulins, which will be carried out over the next two months, will require a series of partial road closures and diversions along the central thoroughfare that connects Monte-Carlo with the Place des Moulins.  

Between 1st July and 6th September, the Boulevard des Moulins will be the subject of a number of urban renovation projects. Given the extent of the works, traffic delays in the area are highly likely, but the government has sought to reassure the public that everything possible is being done to limit the undesirable consequences of the essential maintenance upgrades and renovations.  

The preparatory stage of works will continue throughout July until the road resurfacing section of the projects begins on 29th July. An alternating traffic system will be in place for the duration of the month.  

Between 8pm and 6am on the nights between 29th July and 2nd August, workers will be re-tarmacking the road. The road will gradually reopen to drivers and other road users during the daytime.  

Necessary repairs to the gutters and the repainting of the road markings will be carried out between 5th and 28th August. This period of the works will also require traffic controls.  

Finally, between 28th August and 6th September, the pedestrian safety barriers will be refitted. This part of the project will affect the traffic flow, but only during the daytime. A traffic control system will be put in place between the hours of 8am and 5pm.  

E-bike stations on the Boulevard des Moulins will not be accessible during this period and bus lines will be diverted via the Avenue Saint Laurent. A temporary bus stop will be set up at 7 Avenue Saint Charles. 

For more details on the works, click here.

Read related:

Major works on water and sewage systems to disrupt traffic in the Jardin Exotique for two months


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Photo credit: Monaco Communications Department