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CleanEquity gears up for 10th edition

CleanEquity Monaco, founded by Mungo Park, Chairman of Innovator Capital, and under the High Patronage of His Serene Highness Prince Albert, will continue its mission to enable and accelerate...

IUM launches "Bachelor of Finance"

Thursday evening, Jean-Philippe Muller, Dean of the International University of Monaco, welcomed Stéphane Valeri, Minister of Health and Social Affairs and Isabelle Bonnal, Director of the...

French Navy to visit for National Day

As part of Monaco’s National Day 2016, which falls on Saturday, November 19, the frigate Guépratte of the French Navy is making a stopover in Monaco. A detachment of 16 sailors, including the...

Pink Panther, once hospitalised in Monaco, sentenced to jail

Justice has at last caught up with a member of the notorious Pink Panthers, an amorphous group of hardened criminals from the former Yugoslavia. The 34-year-old Serbian is most notorious for being...

Prince presents Foundation award at COP22

The Marrakesh Conference on Global Warming is currently being held in Morocco, ending on November 18, very much with the participation of Monaco. This is the 22nd Conference of the Parties (COP22)...

Another year, another successful Monaco Business Expo

At the closing of the Monaco Business trade fair on Tuesday, November 15, Mr Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance and Economy, presented the Prince’s Government Award for the creation of a company,...