
Cassandra Tanti

Cassandra Tanti is the Editor in Chief of Monaco Life. She is a qualified journalist and editor with 20 years’ experience in the digital, print, radio and television news industries.

Author’s Articles

Brexit and VAT explained for Monegasque companies

When the UK officially left the European Union on 1st January 2021, the concept of intra-community transactions between Monaco and the UK, which are exempt of VAT, ended.

Interview: Olivia Dorato, Monaco’s rising star

We catch up with young Monegasque Olivia Dorato to talk about her brave decision to move away from a predictable life in law to the uncertain and exciting world of a singer/songwriter.

Health authorities report new coronavirus victim

Monaco has recorded its sixth Covid death, a 72-year-old resident who passed away at the CHPG on Sunday night.

CSM signs finance deal with coral molecule maker

The CSM has become the first public entity to take an interest in a private company, signing a financial deal with startup Coraliotech for its work applying coral molecules to human health.

Critical situation as Monaco faces a “rebound of the epidemic”

The curfew has been brought forward to 7pm and restaurants will not be able to open in the evening, in a new round of restrictions to pull Monaco back from a record high in Covid cases.

Photo exhibition: the importance of scientific research

Delve into the world of marine research with a new photographic exhibition on the Rock featuring some of the planet’s most spectacular Heritage Listed marine sites.