
Elsa Carpenter

As Sub-Editor and Journalist at Monaco Life, Elsa builds upon years of experience in writing as well as marketing and PR in the local media scene. Originally from the UK, she is based in the French Riviera and has a passion for spreading the word on news throughout the region.

Author’s Articles

France to raise retirement age to 64

Once-in-a-generation reforms to the pensions system have been announced and France has reacted as many could have predicted, with fierce opposition from unions and parties across the political...

French hunting reform fails to hit home with worried public

The French government has tightened restrictions on hunting, but the reforms stop short of introducing a ban on Sunday hunts, despite nearly 80% of the population backing the idea.  

Real estate, tech and equity markets: top investment opportunities in 2023

According to a Knight Frank report, wealthy individuals are remarkably optimistic about the year to come, with seven in 10 expecting their wealth to grow in these key areas.

Explained: Does my child need a titre de séjour?

Many non-EU parents who recently travelled abroad with their family were asked for their children’s documentation at the French border, but do children really need a residency permit? 

Yacht Club de Monaco celebrates its sailors and a busy 2023 ahead

The achievements of mariners from Monaco and around the world have been celebrated at the Yacht Club de Monaco in an event that commended an excellent 2022 and forecast another exciting year to...

All you need to know about France’s Social Security Financing Act

A hike in tobacco prices, free emergency contraception, an increase in family support and prescription-free screening for STDs are among a host of new health reforms introduced in France in 2023.