
Stephanie Horsman

Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.

Author’s Articles

Prince Albert II traces the Italian branches of the Grimaldi family tree in Liguria

In the days after the Principality celebrated its twinning with Dolceacqua, Prince Albert II of Monaco was back in Italy for a series of visits to the historically Grimaldi-linked villages of...

Photos: The Carabiniers du Prince regale in winter uniform at the Palais Princier de Monaco

Much to the delight of the crowds gathered in front of the Palais Princier de Monaco on Monday, the guards from the Compagnie des Carabiniers du Prince made their seasonal switch from lightweight...

Preparations begin for Fête National 2023

Teams from the Mairie are hard at working putting up hundreds of flags and banners for National Day 2023.

EC President announces increased humanitarian aid for Gaza, backs Ukraine’s entry into the EU

In a speech to a mass gathering of European Union Ambassadors, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has made an appeal for the bloc to be “more engaged” in global affairs, citing...

grimaldi forum gardiens forêt

Grimaldi Forum to host free public screening of ‘Gardiens de la Forêt’ documentary

Later this month, the Grimaldi Forum will welcome the public to a free screening of the Brazil episode of the ‘Gardiens de la Forêt’ documentary series that will be followed by a conference...

yacht club electric charging

Yacht Club de Monaco installs two super-fast marine e-charging stations

With the new additions of two Aqua 200 HPC electric charging stations on the pontoon in front of the Yacht Club de Monaco, the Principality has become home to the largest installation of public fast...