
Stephanie Horsman

Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.

Author’s Articles
monaco moneyval

Monaco making strides against money laundering per Moneyval reccommendations 

After a January 2023 Moneyval report citing “needs improvement” landed on desks in Monaco, the Principality has been making big strides to heighten standards in the fights against money...

imsee report

IMSEE meets with the Monaco Economic Board to talk data

The Monaco Economic Board were treated to a preview of the newly released IMSEE report into life in the Principality that features more in-depth data on employment and the Monegasque economy than...

digital euro

Future of money: EU makes steps towards digital banknotes

The European Commission has set forth two proposals regarding the use of currency, with one being the possibility of a new digital form of the euro as a complement to cash. 

prince albert seabed mapping

Prince Albert I’s contributions to seabed mapping recognised by UNESCO  

Prince Albert I of Monaco was a pioneer in leading the charge to map the world’s seabed during the 20th century – a mission that is hoped to be completed by 2030 – and now his efforts have been...

prince albert piedmont

Prince Albert II welcomes Piedmont towns into Grimaldi heritage network 

Prince Albert II of Monaco embarked on a whirlwind tour of Piedmont this week to welcome the newest members of the Grimaldi Historic Sites network into the fold.

opera monte-carlo season

Cecilia Bartoli comes into her own with the Opéra de Monte-Carlo’s new season

For her second season at the helm of the Opéra de Monte-Carlo, Cecilia Bartoli has curated a schedule filled with passion, history, romance, glamour and some celebrity appearances...