
Stephanie Horsman

Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.

Author’s Articles
princess charlene

Princess Charlene offers Mother’s Day wishes to new mums at the CHPG 

Princess Charlene spent a morning at the Princess Grace Hospital, where she met and congratulated new mothers on the birth of their gorgeous babies.

edmund shing monaco

Edmund Shing talks AI and investment at Monaco Economic Board event

The Monaco Economic Board invited finance world heavyweight Edmund Shing to speak at their latest event, the first in a new series of talks that will be led by English speakers.  

Photos: Club La Vigie reopens for the summer

The stunning seafront Club La Vigie is back for the summer season with a Marcel Ravin-designed menu, picture perfect views and a very exclusive vibe.  

Junior Street Art Challenge winners announced 

Inspired by the theme of regeneration, 10 high school students from the Principality took part in 2023 Junior Street Art Challenge, part of the annual UPAINT live street art festival, earlier this...

artist studio monaco

Three studios available for budding artists in Monaco 

Monaco, ever a champion of local talent, has put out a call for artists to apply for a space in one of three studios down on the Quai Antoine Ier.  

Violence against women: France launches 24/7 communication service

With eight in 10 French women saying they are afraid to be out alone at night, the French government has launched a national information and awareness campaign on violence against women.