
Stephanie Horsman

Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.

Author’s Articles

Monaco’s long-time mayor aims for sixth term

A mainstay on the Principality’s political scene, Georges Marsan is hoping to extend his time at the top spot with an unprecedented sixth term as mayor come the imminent elections.

How to celebrate Monaco’s patron saint: Sainte Devote

With the commemoration day of the Principality’s patron saint coming up, Monaco Life presents the roster of events as well as how you can get involved.  

2022 Monaco crime stats: overall crime down, drink-driving and break-ins up

Monaco Police Commissioner Richard Manangoni has revealed a mixed bag of statistics from 2022: crime in general has fallen, but drink-driving is on the rise.

Artist Luiza Ansay unveils new collection

Polish-born artist, actress and model Luiza Ansay, who now lives in Monaco, has opened her latest exhibition at the Gabarino Interior Design atelier with a decidedly eastern flair.   

Uber drivers given pay hike after deal with unions

France’s Uber drivers are getting a 27% pay rise per ride and worker status after the government and unions came to an agreement this week, setting a precedent and giving the same rights to similar...

Prince Albert pushes for ocean funding at Davos

Prince Albert II is at the World Economic Forum in Davos, rallying the world’s leaders behind a movement to direct much more money towards mitigating the harm that is being done to the world’s...