
Stephanie Horsman

Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.

Author’s Articles

Shoebox gift drive for the region’s most vulnerable

The Monaco-based charity Semeurs d'Espoir and Carrefour Monaco have once again teamed up to ask for donations that will be distributed to the needy on Christmas Eve. 

Prince Albert receives honorary doctorate in Calabria

Hot on the heels of a successful trip to the United States, Prince Albert II has headed to the Calabria region of Italy to visit locations historically linked to the Grimaldi family and receive an...

One billion euros to fund important Mediterranean projects

In a coup of heroic proportions, the president of the PACA region has announced at COP27 the creation of a one billion euro fund to protect and preserve the Mediterranean.  

Major strikes planned for Thursday

A mass national strike is planned across France this Thursday, with marches and widespread transport disruptions being the main features. 

Scientific Centre of Monaco signs agreement with Green Cross France at COP 27

"Being able to permanently connect the protection of marine and coastal life, the climate emergency and economic issues helps decision-makers understand the impact of their actions."

Prince Albert: on tour in the US

As part of a whistle-stop American tour, Prince Albert II visited the nation’s capital of Washington DC to take in two exhibitions: one revolving around his mother and the other a photographic...