
Stephanie Horsman

Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.

Author’s Articles

Government touts bonus for private sector employees

Minister of State Pierre Dartout has thrown his support behind the idea of extending to all private sector employees the bonuses that were given in summer to hotel and restaurant employees.

Half term fun to be had at Monaco Fun Fair

The annual Monaco Fair in the port is back later this month with loads of great games, rides and attractions for kids of all ages!

Monaco set to celebrate the return of the International Circus Festival

The 45th International Circus Festival of Monte-Carlo and the 10th New Generation Festival are back in 2023 with all the usual magic and a few surprises!

Road accidents on Moyenne Corniche plummet thanks to new radars

The six radars on the Moyenne Corniche between Roquebrune-Cap-Martin and Beausoleil flashed over 120,000 times in 2021, with “an over-representation of Monegasque drivers among the major...

Synbio Day Conference: science for environmental preservation

The Novotel Hotel and the Oceanographic Museum are playing host to an extraordinary conference bringing together experts explaining how they propose using synthetic biology to help preserve the...

EU plan to mobilise young people for change

The European Commission has adopted a new Youth Action Plan which targets young people around the globe to come together to “build a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable future”.