
Stephanie Horsman

Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.

Author’s Articles

Roca Team blasts Le Portel

AS Monaco Basketball won a solid victory in their Jeep Elite match against ESSM Le Portel on Saturday, a much-needed confidence boost after their defeat last week against Badalone.

New director for Princess Grace Irish Library

Paula Farquharson-Blengino has been named the new director of the Princess Grace Irish Library, taking over the reins from Judith Gantley who has held the post for 25 years.

New 'extreme' zone proposed for travel guidelines

The European Commission has set out new plans to prevent the internal border closures of last spring, including a dark red label for areas where Covid is circulating at extreme levels.

France: Silver lining amid massive GDP plunge

France suffered the worst economic recession since WWII in 2020, far surpassing the 2.2% contraction of 2009. But activity held up better than expected during the second lockdown.

Herrmann’s heartbreak ahead of 4th place finish

Boris Herrmann of the Seaexplorer-Yacht Club de Monaco has secured 4th in the Vendée Globe, but it wasn’t before a freak accident with a fishing ship left him limping back to port.

Another class sent home due to Covid

Amid a spate of students testing positive for Covid in various Monaco schools, another classroom, this time from Parc School, is facing a 10-day quarantine.