Interview: Pavillon Bosio Director Thierry Leviez about his ambitions for Monaco’s art school

In an interview with Monaco Life, Director of Pavillon Bosio Thierry Leviez shares insights into his journey, vision, and aspirations for Monaco’s art institution.

When he took over as Director of Pavillon Bosio in September 2021, Thierry Leviez brought with him a solid background and a rich baggage of diverse cultural experiences. Born in Toulouse in 1979, Thierry came to Monaco via Paris, having trained at the Ecole du Louvre and the Ecole du Magasin in Grenoble. Former curator of the Printemps de Septembre exhibitions in Toulouse from 2013 to 2016, he notably led a vast project that revolutionised the Musée des Augustins in Toulouse alongside Jorge Pardo. He has curated several expositions, including the first one devoted to the brick sculptures of Per Kirkeby.

His growing love for scenography, enriched by diverse cultural experiences, transformed him into a leader in exhibition design. So, it is no surprise that he wishes to keep focussing the school around his expertise. While continuing to train artists, Pavillon Bosio aims to offer students the added value of a factual technical background. Scenography is a growing specialty, and the Pavillon strives to become the standard in that field, by continuing to partner with many outstanding international art schools.

Monaco Life: How did you become specialised in scenography? 

Thierry Leviez: I worked for nearly 20 years as an exhibition curator, first for a biennial in Toulouse, then as head of exhibitions at the Beaux-Arts in Paris. It has always been clear that art is not a solitary adventure confined to the artist’s studio. There’s a lot at stake in the process of the exhibition making. If you consider scenography in a larger sense, including all the contingencies of an artistic project, that is where things really take shape and get their actual meaning.

22 Pauvres Folles 22 adaptation by Chloe Delaume by 3rd year students of Pavillon Bosio, January 2024 at the Espace Leo Ferre Monaco, photo credit Rossana Rizza

What is the most challenging project that you have done till now? 

While working in Toulouse, the art festival started as an annual event and progressively became a biennale. The pace was insane, and most of the shows were produced for the festival, as opposed to exhibitions where you would borrow existing artworks. Some years, we had 20 to 30 international artist projects to stage in as many historical venues in Toulouse as possible. It was a bit crazy and pushed my limits; all the jobs I had after that felt effortless in comparison!

Where do you find your creative inspiration? 

Working in an art school is the most creative habitat you can imagine. It is the perfect environment for ideas to flow freely and discuss them all day. I have always considered myself very privileged to work in these conditions, being constantly challenged and surprised.

“As a curator, you’re always like an advocate of the artist.”

What is the most valuable skill that helps you excel in your work?

As a curator, you’re always like an advocate of the artist. You must understand requests that might seem superfluous at logistical or financial levels. Strive to be genuinely convinced that those details will make art happen. In an art school, the scale is different. However, it’s still about understanding the students’ ideas or projections and consistently placing art at the center of everything.

What is your primary role as Director of Pavillon Bosio? Tell us what a typical day is like for you.

My central role is to orchestrate the prolific number of ideas and proposals initiated by the team, the teachers, and the students.

A typical day would include a studio tour, short discussions with the students about their work and administrative tasks, and elaborating collectively on new projects with new partners. Art schools are project-based entities; they are very different from most other schools. Here, the students practice independently, which you must enforce as much as possible. Besides that, you must create situations where somebody can develop collective forms (theatre, dance, exhibition, etc.) can be developed.

Movie studio 2nd year students at Eileen Gray’s Villa E-1027 in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, photo credit Micha Vanony

What are your achievements after two years as director of Pavillon Bosio?

We created many new projects: a collection of books with Manuella Editions, a new post-graduate program that we have called ‘Décors’, a new course in scenography for fashion, a new course in scenography for theatre thanks to Laurent Berger, one of our teachers who is also collaborating with art schools in Lausanne and Brussels, a new round of exhibitions called ‘Garden Club’ written and designed by the students with their works and those of the teachers, new studios for photography and new offices. Meanwhile, we are recruiting patrons for our ‘Friends of Pavillon Bosio’ circle led by Holly Hayward. We will probably inaugurate this new group of friends in the spring.

We are delighted that enrolments are on an upward curve, with twice as many applications in the last two years.

Do you plan to transform Pavillon Bosio into a hub of creative experimentation?

As the school occupies a pavilion that is too small for its activities, it works like a creative platform for projects that take place elsewhere with partner institutions. From the beginning, Pavillon Bosio explicitly focuses on working closely and intensely with local and international partners.

What makes a great art school?

A fabulous art school should be a place of freedom, providing the context and the support for young artists to develop ideas and help them materially to realise those ideas.

Pavillon student looking at film

How would you like to see classrooms evolve in the future?

Precisely, we have classrooms while we should have workshops! In the future, I am dreaming of an ambitious project for a larger Pavillon that involves a building extension.

The Pavillon Bosio has partnered with the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. What does this partnership consist of?

Long before I arrived, Pavillon Bosio was already working with several prestigious international art schools. There are projects with Head in Geneva, La Cambre in Brussels, La Manufacture in Lausanne, the University of Bratislava, and young curators from La Sorbonne. The partnership with Beaux-Arts de Paris also involves the Paris Malaquais School of Architecture, plus there is another leading Parisian school that wants to join us next year. This annual cycle of 10 lectures is devoted to the mise-en-scène of exhibitions (exhibition display) entitled ‘L’entour.’ ‘L’entour’ surrounds an artwork, all the scenography and contextual elements that transform it into an object of art.

In which ways do the students of Pavillon Bosio contribute to the project with the students of Princess Grace Academy for the Imprevus in March 2024 and their gala in June?

The collaboration with the Ballets of Monte-Carlo has been an ongoing project for more than 10 years. The young scenographers from Pavillon Bosio designed a set for a ballet created by the dancers of Ballets of Monte Carlo (BMC), who act both as dancers and choreographers. This year, as the company will be on tour, we teamed up with the Princess Grace Academy, who commissioned Greek choreographer Elias Lazaridis to create a piece for 20 young dancers from the Academy. The result will be seen in March at the BMC Atelier and again in June at their Gala at the Opera Garnier.

Project preparation by 3rd year students at Pavillon Bosio

What about the fashion/scenography project you are working on with the students at Central Saint Martins University of the Arts in London? 

Following the same model, we wanted the school to venture into uncharted territory with a fashion show that will be held on 26th April at Espace Léo Ferré as part of the Monte-Carlo Fashion Week. We initiated a journey two years ago with an international symposium, La mode et ses dispositifs scénique (Fashion and its stage devices). A comprehensive book on that topic will be published next year. For this show, we are working with the Master Students in fashion design at Central Saint Martins. Seven of them are currently designing their collections of six looks, which our students will stage in the theatre. Of course, working with artists, we expect them to create something very different from standard fashion shows, even though we have no idea yet what it will be like!

“Creative people are among the most sought-after in today’s world.”

What role can art and creativity play in supporting the next generation to thrive in the future?

Usually, art school students are somewhat worried about their future and skeptical about the opportunities opened by their art degree. Their parents make it even worse as they struggle to imagine their children making a living from a creative activity. But the reality is radically different. Creative people are among the most sought-after in today’s world. Students I used to work with some years ago at Beaux-Arts de Paris are now traveling internationally through exhibitions, art residences, and foreign cultural programs. These are experiences you can’t get from an office job. While some become artists, most do well in various professional activities.

What is your ambition for the future of Pavillon Bosio?  

Monaco can be a privileged place for artists, so I believe the Pavillon has everything to take a leadership role. There’s still work to do to put the Pavillon on the map of international art schools, but seeing it grow from year to year is a great satisfaction.

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Monaco poised to sign major development deal for Grimaldi-owned land in Ventimiglia

The Municipality of Ventimiglia has unanimously approved a plan to develop land owned by Monaco’s Princely Family for a major real estate project that includes an innovative large-scale botanical school. The development will be a win-win for both Italy and Monaco.

The bold redevelopment of the neighbouring Italian city of Ventimiglia continues, this time with the approval of a major project that will see the Principality invest in the development of land owned by the Grimaldi Family on foreign soil.

Future plans for the former Cava Grimaldi (quarry) in Ventimiglia provides for the construction of a 10,000 square metre real estate complex for residential and tourist purposes. This will be supplemented by approximately 4,000 square metres of ancillary structures as well as around 7,000 square metres of private parking spaces and garages with 170 dedicated spaces.

It is a structure that is designed to meet the needs of the Principality, which is in desperate need of new spaces to handle the overflow from its densely structured territory. The initiative is a continuation of Monaco’s acquisition of the port of Cala di Forte, also in Ventimiglia, which is used as a complementary reception point for the Ports of Monaco.

International Botanical School design for the Terre Bianche area of Ventimiglia

At the heart of the project – a new botanical school

The project includes the redevelopment of a 22,000 square metre plot of land owned by the Principality of Monaco in the Vallone del Rio Sorba, where an innovative international botanical school linked to the Villa Hanbury gardens will be created. It will be equipped with classrooms, auditoriums, and residences for students, as well as laboratories for processing local food products, and an oil mill. A public square will provide around 100 parking spaces and four bus parking spaces for students and visitors.

See also: New Borgo del Forte hotel-residence project in Ventimiglia unveiled

The international school of botany is an important project that has been in the making for many years now, and it is considered a key aspect to Ventimiglia’s economic development. It will be surrounded by a public park and will be able to accommodate up to 800 students. If all goes to plan, it could open its doors as early as autumn 2026.

The former Monaco quarry will also host a regional park that will be available to the public thanks to a modernised network of pedestrian and cycling paths, connecting the hamlets of Grimaldi, Mortola and Castello Appio. The historic-archaeological route from the Roman era called Iulia Augusta, the cycle and pedestrian path and the municipal coastal area will also be restored.


After being approved unanimously by local councillors on 2nd February, a project agreement is now expected to be signed between the Municipality of Ventimiglia and the Grimaldi family, which divides the administrative and construction procedures of the former Cava Grimaldi between the public and private sectors, and the University of Genoa, as manager of Hanbury Gardens. The Liguria Region will be responsible for the Piano Urbanistico Comunale (Communal Urban Planning Plan) and the Piano Territoriale di Coordinamento Paesistico (Territorial Plan for Landscape Coordination), while the Principality of Monaco will be responsible for the design and execution of the work to secure the areas as well as preparing and submitting the draft town planning agreement to the administration and the documentation for building permits.


New international school: Chatsworth chosen to run Borgo del Forte Campus, Ventimiglia


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Monaco Nexus: a networking club for Monaco’s tech and business scene

Monaco Nexus, a members club founded by Thibault Paulet and Arnaud Pradier, is reshaping networking in Monaco, offering a platform for professionals in AI, tech, and business to connect free of charge.

Monaco Nexus, under Thibault Paulet’s leadership since transitioning from investment analyst to entrepreneur, has expanded from its 2018 cryptocurrency focus to encompass diverse tech and business subjects by September 2023. Paulet highlights, “We’ve made this group free…it’s a purely networking group.”

The Monaco Nexus initiative aims to position Monaco as a key hub for entrepreneurs in business and tech innovation. Hosting regular events with about 25 attendees and a community of 200 members, it provides a networking platform in a casual environment at the Novotel.

Igniting entrepreneurial spirit in Monaco

Thibault Paulet steers Monaco Nexus towards showcasing Monaco as a vibrant business hub. “Our aim is to reveal the business activities unfolding in Monaco, showcasing it as a place of real business opportunities,” he states, aiming to unite people and share insights.

Building on this vision, Paulet highlights Monaco’s emergence as an entrepreneurial hub, driven by its tech and digital expansion. “Monaco presents an array of compelling reasons to be considered entrepreneurial hub… it’s a blank slate for creative projects,” he states.

Future growth

Monaco Nexus aims for growth and formal status in Monaco, with Paulet noting, “We would like to get more guest speakers and also become something more institutionalised.”

In line with these aspirations, Monaco Nexus is also enriching its event line-up, with plans to feature a renowned digital marketer at an upcoming gathering. The events are scheduled for the second Friday of each month.

This initiative was evident in the success of the event on 9th February, where Marc Kaufman from Rimôn Law firm delivered a lecture on ‘Global Generative AI Patents’, marking his first presentation of this research. The successful session at the Novotel bar lounge featured networking and vibrant discussions on technology, law, and business, highlighting Monaco Nexus’s most acclaimed event to date.

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Photo of  Thibault Paulet (left) Thibault (left) and Arnaud Pradier, co-organizer and associate. 

Monaco Run battles weather to host over 2,700 participants

Despite challenging weather conditions, the 2024 Monaco Run Gramaglia attracted a robust turnout of more than 2,700 participants of all ages and abilities over the weekend, including around 20 families who joined British running icon Paula Radcliffe for the inaugural ‘Families on Track’ relay event. 

The Monaco Run Gramaglia, now in its 14th year, faced mixed weather conditions over the weekend that tested the resilience of both its organisers, the Monaco Athletics Federation, and participants.  

Lashing rain and wind on the morning of Saturday 10th February forced the cancellation of the inaugural Mont Agel Trail, but the 550 athletes who took on the alternative City Trail – a demanding route around the Principality that featured over 1,100 steps – were undeterred by the less-than-ideal weather and persevered.  

Slovenian runner Timotej Becan emerged victorious, clocking in at 45:19, followed by Sébastien Poesy and Nejc Ursic to complete the podium. On the women’s side, Vanda Lovei from Hungary led the pack with a time of 56:21, ahead of Aurélie Delattaignant and Katia Lisa Operta. 

A break in the weather in the afternoon allowed Paula Radcliffe’s five-kilometre ‘Families on Track’ relay to go ahead. She was joined by around 20 family groups for the first-ever edition of the event.  

See more: Photos: Hundreds turn out for the Pink Ribbon Walk in Monaco

Sunday brought improved conditions and the sun shone for runners in the five-kilometre Hoka and 10-kilometre road race, which both reached full capacity.  

New records were set in the Hoka, among them a national record for the Netherlands and a European U20 best for Niels Laros. French athletes Yann Schrub and Laly Polentru also did exceptionally well: Schrub won the men’s race and Polentru set a new French age group record in the women’s category. 

Anthony Barriere took the lead in the men’s 10-kilometre race with a time of 30:43 while Mauritian Olympic athlete Marie Perrier took the crown in the women’s.  

Another key element of the 2024 Monaco Run was the ever-popular Pink Ribbon Walk, which was concurrently held on the Sunday.  

Nearly 300 participants showed up to demonstrate their support for breast cancer sufferers and survivors, and to help raise funds for a new scientific study on lobular breast cancer detection that is being directed by Doctor Florent Hugonnet at the Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace. 


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Photo credit: Monaco Run 


Monaco addresses its transport issues: More than 5,000 new Park and Ride carparking spaces in the works

monaco park and ride

With backed-up traffic and heavily congested roads, getting in and out of Monaco is no simple task for the nearly 50,000 commuters who take the same overcrowded routes every day. Now, after years of studies, reports and public surveys, the Monaco Government says it has a solution that could alleviate the woes of drivers who feel like adding ‘navigation of a gridlocked road’ to their CV.

It is estimated that more than 49,000 vehicles enter and leave Monaco each day, with that number rising considerably during the high season.  

Even at its lowest ebb, the figure more than matches the number of permanent residents living in the Principality, which, at just 2km2 in size, is the second smallest nation in the world. 

But despite the near constant gridlocks and jams experienced by Monaco’s commuters, both in and out, the number of vehicles on the road is actually decreasing. Traffic hit its peak in 2015, when the Principality clocked close to 54,000 vehicles entering and leaves its borders. By 2023, that figure fell by 7%, but the government wants to bring this down even more, with a goal to reduce traffic by a full 20% by the end of the decade.  

How the government plans on achieving that lofty goal has now been revealed, with the publication of a comprehensive ‘Plan Mobilité’ report. Let’s call it the ‘Transport Solutions’ strategy. 

Outside looking in, inside looking out 

The Monaco Government is looking at its traffic issues from two standpoints: the vehicles that are travelling in and out of the Principality each day, and the vehicles that are owned by people already based in Monaco. 

The latter can be targeted through improved public transport networks, the expansion of services such as the MonaBike initiative and general awareness campaigns championing the act of walking or cycling instead of using a car to get about, but the former is perhaps harder to influence. 

External factors 

In many ways, Monaco is accessible. It can take around 45 minutes by car to travel from the Nice Côte d’Azur Airport if the traffic is good, while 7.8 million rail passengers arrived in Monaco by train in 2023. But its geographical placement, as a slice of land between the Mediterranean Sea and the cliffs that hem the Principality to the north, make road access somewhat limited. 

Essentially, those driving into Monaco have only a handful of routes to choose from and all of them are busy.  

Park and Ride 

One of the main strategies unveiled in the Transport Solutions report unveiled on Friday 9th February is a plan to increase the number of Park and Ride facilities available to commuters and tourists.  

Currently, there are 4,000 carparking spaces for cars and other light vehicles on the periphery of Monaco. Additionally, 3,000 spaces are available in Park and Ride facilities nearby.  

By the end of April 2024, a further 1,800 spaces for cars and 90 for motorcycles will become available at the new Salines Park and Ride site in the Jardin Exotique neighbourhood of Monaco.  

Electric vehicles – 100 cars and 15 motorcycles – will be catered for as well as tourist buses and secured padlock points for more than 60 bicycles.

Express shuttle services every 10 minutes between Salines, the Monte-Carlo district and the Condamine neighbourhood will be put in place between 7am and 7pm from Mondays through to Fridays. They will complement the existing Ligne 2 from the Jardin Exotique to Monaco Ville so that there is some form of bus connection departing the new Park and Ride facility every five minutes during peak times, says the government.

The pedestrian link between Salines and Fontvieille should take 12 to 15 minutes once complete. Photo source: Monaco Government

A pedestrian route all the way to Fontvieille is also in the works. The first section, between Salines and the Württemberg footbridge via the Saline Gallery, should be up and running when the new facility is opened to the public. The final section connecting the route to Fontvieille is due to be completed in early 2025.

The government estimates that this route will take the average walker 12 to 15 minutes.  

Future plans: La Brasca and Cœur de Carnolès 

Two more Park and Ride sites are also in the works. The first will be in the La Brasca site in Eze, which will be located close to the A500 tunnel exit and accessed via a new roundabout route. Current plans suggest it will provide an additional 3,000 carparking spaces as well as secure grounds for heavy goods vehicles and tourist buses. An express link between La Brasca and Fontvieille will be set up to connect the site and the Principality, although the chosen mode of transport for the link is not yet clear. 

The second location is the Cœur de Carnolès development near the Carnolès train station in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin. This is already under construction as a residential development for local Roquebrunois residents, but Monaco’s Government has committed itself to purchasing 90 of the 405 housing units and 130 of the 844 parking spaces indicated on the plans.  

“Discussions are continuing regarding the creation of a Park and Ride site with a minimum of 300 carparking spaces benefiting from immediate proximity to the TER station of Carnolès,” say government sources.  


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Photo sources: Monaco Government

AS Monaco prove ever-dominant in the Betclic Elite with 17th consecutive home win

While the Roca Team go from strength-to-strength in the EuroLeague, it is in the Betclic Elite that AS Monaco Basket is shining brightest: the team’s latest win against Boulogne-Levallois marks the 17th consecutive home win in the French league.  

The weekend began with an away fixture in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy, where AS Monaco played Virtus Bologna on Friday 9th February.  

It was a close contest, but the Italian side saw their 11-game winning streak at home brought to an end by a driven Roca Team intent on gaining a place in the EuroLeague Final Four. The game ended 78-81 in Monaco’s favour. 

Post-match, Obradović praised his team’s performance, saying, “It’s an extraordinary win for us. It’s always very hard to beat this kind of team like Bologna at home. A real play-off match, with a big physical battle. We stood firm as a team, and we showed great chemistry tonight. We can dream big for the rest of the competition.” 

The recent result against Virtus Bologna increases AS Monaco’s chances of making the Final Four in the EuroLeague. Photo credit:

Next came a Betclic Elite challenge against Boulogne-Levallois in the Salle Gaston Médecin on Sunday 11th February.  

Here, AS Monaco excelled again, defeating the visitors 84-72 to extend their winning streak at home in the domestic French league to a stunning 17 games over the last two seasons.  

Obradović used this game as an opportunity to rest key players, such Mike James, Alpha Diallo and Mam Jaiteh, ahead of a demanding upcoming schedule and thus allowed other members of the Roca Team to get their moment in the spotlight.  

Petr Cornelie, who showcased his talents as a power forward, later emphasised the importance of winning such games. 

“We expected it to be a tight game. You have to know how to win this kind of game, that’s the most important thing. And that’s the bottom line. For the group dynamic, it’s always good to stay on this winning streak,” he said after the match.  

AS Monaco’s schedule continues with a Coupe de France match at home versus ASVEL on Tuesday 13th February before they face Le Mans in the Leaders Cup on Friday 16th February. 


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