New wave of jellyfish arrives on the Côte d’Azur 

Following widespread reports of large blooms of the Pelagia noctiluca jellyfish along the coast of southern France, swimmers are being advised to take precautions to limit their chances of being stung.  

In the last few weeks, an increasing number of sightings of the Pelagia noctiluca jellyfish in the area between Monaco and Marseille have been reported by swimmers and specialists alike.  

Speaking to the French language newspaper France 3, Delphine Thibault, a Marseille-based oceanographer, said, “There is a large current that runs along the coast in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, which deviates offshore from Port-Cros and heads towards Spain. This current fluctuates with the winds. Last week, the region was swept by a strong Mistral wind, which pushed the surface waters out to sea. When it fell, a southerly wind, the Sirocco, took over, bringing the surface water towards the land. It is the sequence of these two winds that favours the return of the jellyfish.” 

Essentially, it is thought that the recent weather conditions have impacted local currents, drawing the jellyfish towards the Riviera “against their will”. 

It is somewhat unusual to see the Pelagia noctiluca species in these waters during the summer months. The jellyfish prefer cooler temperatures of around 18ºC, rather than the balmy 25°C recorded by marine weather stations in recent days.  

Given their particularly strong sting, which can cause burns and blisters, swimmers are being advised to take certain precautions when entering the water. These include special sun creams that can reduce the power of a sting and long-sleeved swimming costumes.  

To check on the status of your local beach or destination, the interactive jellyfish map produced by ACRI is entirely free to use and is updated daily. You can also use the platform to report sightings of jellyfish.

To read how to treat jellyfish stings appropriately, click here.

Read related:

Jellyfish sightings and stings on the rise in the French Riviera


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Photo credit: Oceanogràfic de Valencia

Monaco among key European locations to benefit from Indosuez’s StartUp Connections platform

indosuez startup connections

Indosuez Wealth Management has announced the rollout of its digital StartUp Connections platform in four key European nations, including Monaco. The online meeting place offers clients access to an international network of new and exciting business start-ups.  

Following its debut in France six years ago, Indosuez Wealth Management has decided to expand access to its innovative StartUp Connections platform to group clients in Belgium, Luxembourg, Monaco and Switzerland.  

The concept, which has been developed by the Indosuez Innovation Lab, is essentially a digital marketplace of more than 100 start-ups from around the world that are either in the fundraising phase or are searching for new business relationships that will help take them to the next stage.  

Benoît Bourdin, the Head of Innovation Markets at Indosuez Wealth Management, says of the platform, “At Indosuez, we support entrepreneurship and innovation. StartUp Connections is all about making connections – the aim being to create a virtuous circle, both personally and professionally – between our investor clients and the founders of the start-ups in our ecosystem. The platform also contributes to the overall improvement of the experience of these clients and investors.” 

Clients with accounts in any of these four locations can now access the platform online or via mobile. Once registered, clients can filter the start-ups featured according to their chosen criteria, such as the sector or industry targeted by the business, maturity of the project or its environmental impact.  

From there, clients can request to be put in contact with the team behind the start-up, with a view to initiating talks and discussions.  

In the last six years, the platform has directly led to investments of more than €11 million in start-ups representing sectors such as healthcare, the environment, the energy transition and sustainable finance. 

For more information on StartUp Connections, click here

Read related:

Interview: Stéphane Herpe, head of Wealth Management Monaco Markets CFM Indosuez


Monaco Life is produced by real multi-media journalists writing original content. See more in our free newsletter, follow our Podcasts on Spotify, and check us out on Threads,  Facebook,  Instagram,  LinkedIn and Tik Tok.  


Photo source: Headway, Unsplash