Business & Finance

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Monaco boasts science and technical sector boom

Scientific and technical companies have overtaken financial and insurance activities as the leading employer in Monaco, contributing in excess of €1 billion to GDP last year alone.

Prince confirms new minister of state

The Palace has officially announced that Pierre Dartout will become the new minister of state from September, replacing Serge Telle in Monaco’s most senior strategic position after the Prince.

MEB reorganises for maximum efficiency

Earlier this year, the Monaco Economic Board (MEB) surveyed members to ask what the group could do to improve. The results are now in and have led to the MEB's reorganisation, including new and...

Two weeks until cafés, restaurants reopen in Riviera  

France will reopen bars and restaurants in the country’s “green zones”, including the French Riviera, on Tuesday 2nd June, provided the health situation doesn’t deteriorate.

Interview: Carlo app creator Antoine Bahri

Antoine Bahri is the brains behind Carlo app, Monaco’s first mobile-based loyalty programme rewarding consumers for buying local – an initiative that couldn’t have come at a better time.

Retail sector sees deepest drop on record

Monaco’s business climate “collapsed” in the retail, trade and auto repair sectors in the month of March, as shoppers reduced their spending on everything except the essentials.