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Princess’ Foundation rallies for World Drowning Prevention Day

The Princess Charlene Foundation is launching an awareness campaign and activities for World Drowning Prevention Day on 25th July to hit home the importance of looking after kids when they are in or...

French Riviera hit with hottest summer start on record

Figures from Météo France show that the French Riviera, and Monaco, have been suffering through the hottest start to summer since record-taking began in 1947.

France proposes minimum language rule for residency

France’s Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin wants to introduce a new law that links a residency card, known as a carte de sejour, to a minimum level of French.

Covid cases decline but hospitalisations rise

Monaco saw a drop in new Covid cases last week, but hospitalisations have increased with 49 people in care at the CHPG on Tuesday.

Fire rages amidst a “heat apocalypse”

The catastrophic fire burning through Gironde in the southwest of France for nearly a week has regained intensity as the country endures a “heat apocalypse”.

Covid latest: circulation, hospitalisations continue to rise

Monaco has seen its Covid incidence rate hit 994, while in the Alpes-Maritimes it reached as high 1,407.5, indicating the region is well and truly in its sixth wave of the pandemic.