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Can Monaco maintain the course?

The circulation of Covid-19 continues its downward trend, with new figures revealing that the incidence rate has almost halved in a week. But authorities are not letting their guard down.

France ramps up vaccine rollout

The city of Nice has achieved a successful vaccination blitz with over 13,000 people inoculated in 48 hours. Meanwhile, the city’s mayor says another weekend lockdown is unlikely.

Slow progress in vaccination programme

Around 250 people received their first Covid jab within a week, equivalent to 0.65% of the population. However, more than three quarters of all patients have now received their booster shot. 

“When women's rights advance, human rights advance”

To mark International Women’s Day on 8th March, we speak to Women's Rights Delegate Céline Cottalorda about her female role models, #8MarsMonaco, and the need to challenge ourselves.

Vaccine side effects study

The French medicines safety agency has been documenting the side effects of the Covid vaccinations since the start of the campaign rollout and have released results of their first analysis.

EU to give another Covid jab the green light

The European Union is likely to approve a single dose vaccine from Johnson & Johnson in March, after the USA cleared it for emergency use last weekend.