Lifestyle & Wellbeing

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Mass Covid testing set to begin

Free Covid-19 blood tests will be rolled out for the entire population on a voluntary basis from Monday, with the aim of testing 90,000 residents and employees. 

Beaches reopening on “case by case” basis

Beaches in Nice and Cannes will reopen from this weekend, and more are expected to follow throughout the Alpes-Maritimes region.

Parks reopen in Alpes-Maritimes

Nineteen nature parks have reopened to the public in the Alpes-Maritimes and are ready for hikers, walkers and nature lovers alike to enjoy… responsibly."

La not le Covid-19

The French Academy has officially given Covid-19 a female gender, discouraging further usage of “le” disease.  

A fine dining virtual dinner party guide

While we are waiting anxiously for our favourite restaurants to open, why not host a virtual dinner party with the guidance of Monaco’s award-winning chefs.

Post-lockdown plan set in motion

The government has outlined its three-phase plan to pull the Principality out of lockdown, starting within the week.