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luxury shopping riviera

A guide to the luxury shopping boulevards and avenues of the Riviera

From the Avenue de Verdun in Nice to the flashiest street in Saint Tropez, the Côte d’Azur boasts a wealth of high-end shopping destinations. Here is a guide to some of the very best.

Passenger fury as Monaco train station elevators out of service

Commuters using the Monte-Carlo train station are encountering an unexpected obstacle in their daily routines. The six elevators that typically provide easy access from the station to the Boulevard...

‘Leading Hotel in Monaco’ prize amongst four impressive new awards for the Hôtel Métropole

From a near-perfect score in the Condé Nast Reader’s Choice Awards to being crowned “Best Spa in Monaco”, here's everything you need to know about the new accolades won by the Hôtel...

Security exercise planned for Tuesday night

An exercise testing the response of emergency services in both Monaco and the Alpes-Maritimes is scheduled in the cross-border railway tunnel between Cap d'Ail and Monaco on the night of Tuesday 17th...

Traffic disruption: road closure on rue Biovès

Rue Biovès will be closed to traffic as works continue on rue Plati in the Jardin Exotique district of Monaco.

nice ligne 5

Photos: What will Nice’s Ligne 5 tramway look like?

Plans for Nice’s fifth and final tramway line between Nice and Drap via La Trinité have been revealed. Here’s what the public transport project will eventually look like.