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French police actively fining for mask non-compliance

Amidst an alarming rise in new Covid cases, France is slowly ramping up police checks to ensure people are wearing face masks in required places.

Masks now mandatory in St-Tropez

Time to pull out the glamorous face masks, St-Tropez is the latest French town to require them in all public places.

Which countries will ask you to quarantine upon arrival?

Monaco residents who are flying out of France will be required to quarantine in certain European countries, amid a steady increase in Covid-19 cases.

Italy inaugurates new Genoa bridge

Traffic has begun traversing across Genoa’s new highway bridge, just two years after the terrifying collapse of the original Morandi bridge which killed 43 people.

Monaco struck off Ireland’s “Green List”

The Emerald Isle has dropped five countries off of its “Green List” for travel following a rise in Covid-19 cases over the past week, Monaco amongst them.

New measures to combat rise in Covid

The government has laid out its plans to combat the rising number of Covid-19 cases in the Principality, including mandatory testing for all tourists arriving from high-risk areas.