
Stephanie Horsman

Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.

Author’s Articles

In the spotlight: The Principality’s very own craft brewery, the Brasserie de Monaco

Every year, more than 100,000 litres flow through the taps of the Brasserie de Monaco, an enterprise with more than 100 years of history crafting top quality lager, beer and ale. Here's a closer look...

Monaco’s long history of land reclamation

Over the years, Monaco has gone to extraordinary lengths to ensure that there was enough room to accommodate all who wanted to live within its borders, but it wasn’t until the 20th century, and the...

Prince Albert II calls for stronger indigenous representation at the Forests and Communities Initiative  

At the very first gathering of the Forest and Communities Initiative, Prince Albert II of Monaco led the charge in calling for an increased presence of indigenous voices in the fight against...

Rugby: Monaco U16 Sevens side on tour in South Africa 

Earlier this autumn, 15 Sevens players from Monaco’s U16 side headed to South Africa as part of an exchange programme made possible by the Princess Charlene Foundation.

Municipal Council gives green light to new 23-storey high-rise in Monte-Carlo

Two villas on Avenue de la Costa could be demolished as part of a new €150 million development that's received initial approval by the Municipal Council. Here’s what we know about the plans so...

visa france us

Visa and residency rules relaxed for investors in reciprocal France-US agreement

France and the US have formalised a special mutual agreement akin to the French ‘talent passport’ that will allow investors from each nation easier access to visas and residency permits.