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Free events Wednesday: spring concert and Gilletta photography lecture

Students from the Academy Rainier III will perform their traditional spring concert Wednesday, April 4, at the Théâtre des Variétés. The show begins at 7 pm and admission is free. Also, the...

Free performance tonight to celebrate World Theatre Day

World Theatre Day, which was initiated in 1961 by the International Theatre Institute, takes place on Tuesday, March 27, and will be celebrated at the Princesse Grace Theatre. Five theatre companies...

Monaco-Ireland Arts Society presents free double bill tonight

The Monaco-Ireland Arts Society will be performing two modern plays on Friday, March 16, Stones in his Pockets by Marie Jones, and Ritual for Dolls by George MacEwan Green. With just two actors...

Charlotte Casiraghi honours father in first book

Charlotte Casiraghi has written a book in collaboration with her former philosophy professor, Robert Maggiori. Titled Archipel des passions, it was published by Éditions Seuil on February 19....

Princess Grace Academy student wins top prize in Lausanne

Shale Wagman, who has been studying at the Princess Grace Dance Academy in Monaco over the last four years, won first place in the 46th Prix de Lausanne in Switzerland on February 3. He is the first...

Standing ovations for Ballets in Lausanne tour de force

No strangers to Switzerland, Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo were invited for the first time to the Opéra de Lausanne from January 19 to 21. The last visit of the Company to the city was in February 1996...