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Wed Jan 18 @8 pm, Piano recital by Russian prodigy Sergei Redkin at Théâtre des Variétés:

Organised by Ars Antonina. Information: 06 03 44 20 66

Wed Jan 18 & Sun Jan 21, @2:30 pm, Children’s show: “The magic granary of Lili” at Théâtre des Muses

By and with N. Goubet. For further information: +377 97 98 10 93

Wed Jan 18 @6 pm, Conference on “The acid-base balance” at Library Louis Notari

Presented by Christiane Brych. For further information: +377 93 15 29 40

Wed Jan 18, 7:30-9pm, “New Year, New YOU!” workshop

Did you know that 96-98% of weight lost on diets is gained back within 12 months or less and the small percentage who keep it off generally note a life changing event. So this is not another diet,...

Thurs Jan 19 @ 7 pm, Concert arranged by students of the Rainier III Academy at Théâtre des Variétés

For further information: +377 93 15 28 91

Thurs Jan 19-Sun Feb 5, Exhibition of paintings and circus objects by Petit Gougou at Hotel Columbus

Theme “Recreation” presented by the Organising Committee and the Association of Friends of the Circus (A.M.A.C.). Information: +377 92 05 90 00