
Latest news

Time to dump the drooping tree?

There will be a dozen points located throughout the Principality where people can drop off their real Christmas trees again this year for authorities to turn into compost.

What is Monaco’s environmental action plan?

Environment Minister Marie-Pierre Gramaglia has spoken candidly about the Principality’s past, continuing and future roles in the fight against climate change.

CSM scientist wins environmental prize

Dr Nathalie Hilmi, environmental economist from the Scientific Centre of Monaco, has co-won the 2020 North-South Prize of the Council of Europe.

CSM researcher wins new sciences prize

Monaco Scientific Centre’s Dr Celine Le Bohec has been awarded the scientific research prize for her 20-year work in the polar and subpolar zones.

Prince boosts emissions target by 5%

Monaco has just upped the ante in the fight against global warming, with Prince Albert raising the Principality’s target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 55% come the year 2030.  

Watch auction to benefit water initiatives

One Drop and the Prince Albert Foundation can add over €1.7 million to their charity coffers after a wildly successful watch auction in New York fetched some astounding prices.