What's On
Monaco Women Forum 2025 takes on the final frontier with The New Space Race event
The Monaco Women Forum 2025 is gearing up for an exhilarating deep dive into space exploration, AI and global governance at its groundbreaking ‘The New Space Race’ event on 21st March.
Read moreEugène Frey merges with João Maria Gusmão at new exhibit
The New National Museum is hosting Luminous Decors, an exhibition by artist Eugène Frey, a true pioneer from the early days of cinema and shadow theatre, and of João Maria Gusmão, whose work is...
Hockey match for environmental awareness
Hockey legends and amateur hockey buffs will hit the ice for ‘The Last Game’ hockey match to heighten awareness about the rapid degradation of the world’s polar regions.
Special holiday package at Oceanographic Museum
For an entire month, the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco is offering a special deal where for each paying adult, one child gets in free.
Monaco Manga world premiere
Manga fans, rejoice! The very first Monegasque Manga film, entitled Blitz, is being released to the public later this month at the Bibliothèque Louis Notari.
Call for Monaco to get behind annual COCC bike ride
Monaco’s famous bicycle ride organised by the Champagne and Oysters Cycle Club is gearing up for another successful event in April, but this year they’re looking for more businesses to back the...
Continuing the work of the Princess' foundation
Almost 730,000 people, mainly children, from 34 countries have benefited from the swimming programmes organised by the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation since its creation.