
Cassandra Tanti

Cassandra Tanti is the Editor in Chief of Monaco Life. She is a qualified journalist and editor with 20 years’ experience in the digital, print, radio and television news industries.

Author’s Articles

Interview: MEB CEO Guillaume Rose

In an interview with Monaco Life, the CEO of the Monaco Economic Board talks about why he is so optimistic about the Principality’s economic recovery in a post-Covid world.

nice airport

France aims to open borders on 15th June

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian says the country will start a “generalised easing” of its borders from 15th June.

Day 1 of Covid testing blitz

The government has begun testing people without symptoms as part of efforts to manage Covid-19. If successful, Monaco will have likely achieved the highest testing coverage in the world.

CMB raises €471,000 for hospital

A fundraising campaign led by CMB has managed to secure close to half a million euros for the Princess Grace Hospital in just over a month.

"The crisis has changed the future of education"

When lockdown was ordered, educators, students and parents were forced into a new way of teaching and learning. For many, this has been challenging, but the students at ISM have thrived. Here's why.

Prince confirms new minister of state

The Palace has officially announced that Pierre Dartout will become the new minister of state from September, replacing Serge Telle in Monaco’s most senior strategic position after the Prince.