
Stephanie Horsman

Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.

Author’s Articles

What is Monaco’s “favourable” situation?

The coronavirus situation continues to improve, with the latest figures showing that the incidence rate in Monaco has dropped to a third of what it was three weeks ago.

Hoping to head to the slopes this season?

Holidays in the snow are definitely possible this festive season, although there will be no “skiing” per se any time soon.

Monaco donates €15,000 for Christmas presents

Prince Albert II of Monaco has made sure that the littlest victims of Storm Alex are not forgotten this Christmas.

Raising awareness through film

Over 500 students were invited to be jury members for Le Temps Presse Festival this week, an event designed to raise awareness about poverty and sustainability through film.

Clean-up day at Port Hercule

As part of European Waste Reduction Week, Stars ‘N’ Bars and Eco Angels are hosting a cigarette butt clean-up at Port Hercule this weekend.

France to ease lockdown within days

Four weeks after France entered its second lockdown, the country will begin its gradual release, with stores reopening just in time for the busy Christmas period.