Business & Finance

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Further boost to Monaco's digital security

Monaco Vidéo Electrique has just been awarded its security qualification, enabling it to assist the Principality in its digital security strategy.

Will the government use the CRF this Covid-year?

The Constitutional Reserve Fund (CRF), Monaco’s “nest egg”, sat at a whopping €5.7 billion in assets at the end of last year.

Coronavirus: Four hallmarks of post-pandemic work

What will the world look like when we come out of this pandemic? One thing is for certain - our working environment is set to change beyond recognition, permanently.

Euro zone producer prices beat expectations

Euro zone producer prices rose in June on a monthly basis slightly more than expected, ending their falling trend started in February.

A&K appoint Michael Wale as new CEO

Geoffrey Kent and Manfredi Lefebvre d’Ovidio have named Michael Wale as the new President and CEO of the Abercrombie & Kent Group.

Update on local businesses

The first Retail Trade Observatory meeting has been held since lockdown to discuss government actions to jumpstart business and what local merchants are doing to make Monaco an attractive retail...