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France-Monaco meeting tightens cooperation

Monaco has asked to be considered part of any vaccine passport scheme that the EU puts in place, it was announced at the annual France-Monaco Cooperation Commission meeting.

Helping students navigate a path to success

For 11 years, the Commission for the Integration of Graduates has been helping students prepare for and enter the workforce. So, how did 2020 shape up?

Monaco Boost making progress

Monaco Boost is now on its way to becoming a reality, with the allocation of space within the incubator to Monegasque entrepreneurs.

Subsidy offered to green leaning businesses

The government is offering a grant of up to €6,000 for businesses who undertake upgrades using eco-friendly materials, in support of the environment and the economic recovery plan.

Monaco and Israel join forces to support innovation 

MonacoTech and Israeli firm Capsula TAU are collaborating to support start-ups and accelerate their development, creating business opportunities between the two countries. 

Life after the Covid crisis

The National Council has presented to the government its health crisis exit strategy, saying Monaco should be a role model in how it emerges from this unprecedented situation.