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Success at art and antiques fair BADA 2019

Despite a turbulent political climate that could have threatened its success, BADA 2019 saw strong sales and engaged audiences across the seven-day event.

Female artists from Spain under the spotlight

The first ‘Hors les murs’ conference of the season has highlighted two female Spanish Renaissance painters, as organised by the Prince Pierre Foundation.

The Monte Carlo Spring Arts Festival

The Monte Carlo Spring Arts Festival kicks off on Friday 15th March with an exciting month-long repertoire of concerts and film.

‘Grace Kelly, from Hollywood to Monaco’ … and now Macau.

The Grimaldi Forum Monaco is continuing its policy of roaming exhibitions abroad, this time signing a new partnership with Macau. The deal will see the new ‘Grace Kelly, from Hollywood to Monaco’...

Grimaldi Macau deal

‘Grace Kelly, from Hollywood to Monaco’ … and now Macau.

The Grimaldi Forum Monaco is continuing its policy of roaming exhibitions abroad, this time signing a new partnership with Macau.

Compagnie Monégasque de Banque renewed its patronage of The Grimaldi Forum, which has been in place since 2005.

Compagnie Monégasque de Banque renews Grimaldi partnership

On Friday 4 January, Compagnie Monégasque de Banque renewed its patronage of The Grimaldi Forum, which has been in place since 2005.