Lifestyle & Wellbeing

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No more masks indoors

Masks are no longer mandatory inside public venues in Monaco for both staff and customers, the government has announced. However the rule has not been dropped in all circumstances.

France drops face mask rule for transport from Monday

Face masks will no longer be required on public transport, including trains and planes, from Monday 16th May, the French health ministry has announced.

New PAM parking spaces explained

Monaco has introduced designated parking for drivers who are delivering products ordered online, making life easier for all road users and facilitating the digital transition of the Principality.

Monaco takes zero tolerance approach to speedsters

Rev-heads beware. The Monaco government has issued a warning that any dangerous behaviour on the roads during the grand prix and Top Marques will result in instant impoundment for five days.

Funds sought for local animal shelter

Monaco’s animal protection association SpSA is in need of a cash injection if it is to continue its work saving vulnerable, abused and abandoned animals. Here’s how you can help.

national council votes on amendments to law favouring men over women

Monaco makes another move towards equality for women

Monaco’s National Council has voted in a government bill to amend outdated provisions in the law that favour men over women.