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Official launch of the Gazelles Morocco China rally

The new Gazelles Morocco China rally has been officially launched, supported by the Chinese branch of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation. The rally was launched at a press conference on 22nd...

PA2F-sponsored solar car comes 2nd in Aussie race

A solar car sponsored by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation has come second in the Adventure category of the grueling Bridgestone World Solar Challenge held recently in Australia. Under the...

Waste Reduction Week in full swing

The Monaco City Council has organised a host of activities for European Waste Reduction Week, which runs until 24th November. To open Waste Reduction Week, the council invited Sebastien Uscher to...

Solar panels installed on fire station

New photovoltaic panels have been installed on the roof of Monaco’s fire station in Fontvieille, making it the Principality’s largest producer of renewable energy to date in a public building....

Monaco jeweller helps shed light on importance of coral

Monaco jeweller Alberto Vitale put coral front and centre at the Yacht Club of Monaco recently, inviting the Scientific Centre of Monaco to explain the important role that coral plays in our eco...

Winners of Grand Medal Albert I awarded

The Grand Medal Albert I has been awarded to Ban Ki Moon during a special ceremony at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco. He was one of three recipients to receive the coveted award, which recognises...