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Momentum for Waste Reduction Week is building

The build-up to European Waste Reduction Week began on Tuesday with a conference at Stars 'n' Bars featuring a range of industries involved in the fight for waste reduction.

Ocean anchored in Glasgow Climate Pact

After six years of effort spearheaded by the Prince Albert Foundation, the oceans have now been firmly added to the list of ecosystems to protect in the Glasgow Climate Pact.

Opinion: an overview of the COP26 summit

Monaco Life contributor and Peak State Founder Nathan Jones takes us to COP26 in Glasgow, the most significant climate conference since 2015.

Russia's natural beauty goes on display

An exhibition of photographs dedicated to the environment and the beauty of the Russian Federation is now on display on the fences surrounding Saint-Martin Garden.

Stars’n’Bars awarded for clever anti-waste campaign  

Stars’n’Bars was given a National Energy Globe Award prize at COP26 for its 2020 European Waste Reduction Week campaign featuring eye-catching posters that tickled funny bones.

AMAO renamed as OACIS

The Monegasque Association on Ocean Acidification is changing its name to better reflect the scope of its work in this important field.