
Latest news

Ocean Decade has officially begun

Prince Albert II and Monaco’s representative for the Vendée Globe sailing race, Boris Herrmann, have united for the first Ocean Decade high-profile event, A Brave New Ocean.

New, quiet and 100% electric

The Principality is taking its commitment to the environment one step further with the introduction of a fleet of 100% electric rubbish collection trucks.

Watch the Prince take part in the first Ocean Decade event

Prince Albert will be speaking on Wednesday at ‘A Brave New Ocean’, a high-level virtual event kickstarting the Ocean Decade and rallying support for a sustainable Blue Economy.

Prince's Foundation helps spearhead Coral Reef Fund

The Prince's Foundation is among the first to contribute to a $10 million kickstarter for the Global Coral Reef Fund, an unprecedented crusade to finance the preservation of coral reefs.

RAMOGE sets new goals

Much was achieved by RAMOGE in 2019-20 in its fight against Med marine pollution. Now, projects have been set for the years ahead, including a new eco-responsible yachting label.

EU fossil fuel phase out reaches new high

It’s official. Renewables have overtaken fossil fuels as the European Union’s main source of electricity as new projects came online in 2020 and coal-power shrank.