
Cassandra Tanti

Cassandra Tanti is the Editor in Chief of Monaco Life. She is a qualified journalist and editor with 20 years’ experience in the digital, print, radio and television news industries.

Author’s Articles

Covid latest: tests in short supply, labs boost capacity

Monaco is increasing its capacity to analyse Covid-19 tests as demand soars and case numbers continue to rise. But tests are starting to reach short supply.

What does it mean to be in a “red zone”?

The French Riviera has now been declared a “red zone”, meaning the Covid-19 virus is actively circulating in the region and tough restrictions could be reintroduced.

Completing a cruise ship during Covid

Silver Moon, the new ship by Monaco-based Silversea Cruises, has carried out her sea trials – no mean feat considering the ship was completed during a worldwide pandemic.

Monaco backs projects reducing Med plastic pollution

BeMed, founded by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, has unveiled the latest five projects that it will support in their efforts to reduce plastic pollution in the Mediterranean.

Code orange on Monaco for Netherlands

The Netherlands is the latest country to issue a warning against all travel to Monaco while putting in place a 10-day quarantine for visitors coming from the Principality.

Endurance athlete joins team Notorious

Team Notorious has evened the playing field for the upcoming water bike challenge, bringing onboard Guinness World Record holder Mathew Bennett.