
Stephanie Horsman

Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.

Author’s Articles

August cinema under the stars

The Open Air Cinema is the place to be in August for new releases featuring perennial faves Liam Neeson, Scarlett Johansson and Hugh Jackman.

Swiss National Day celebrated at The Fairmont

The Club Suisse de Monaco celebrated their national day in style on the Horizon Deck at the Fairmont Hotel over the weekend with food, games and laughter.

New Monaco Ambassador welcomed in Poland

Frédéric LaBarrere has been accepted as the new Ambassador to Poland after offering his letters of credence to the President of the Republic in a ceremony in Warsaw.

Beloved Councilman Henri Doria dies at 83

Communal Councilman Henri Doria, who served seven terms spanning 28 years, has died at the age of 83.

Controversary over parental rights and teen vaccinations

Vaccinating kids aged 12-16 in France has become a source of contention as a new law will require the consent of only one parent, causing rifts in households with differing views.

Italy latest: fourth wave, health pass extended, vaccines fast tracked

Italy has now officially entered a fourth wave of Covid. It comes as the government says it expects the total population to be vaccinated by the end of September.