Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.
Russia's natural beauty goes on display
An exhibition of photographs dedicated to the environment and the beauty of the Russian Federation is now on display on the fences surrounding Saint-Martin Garden.
Stars’n’Bars awarded for clever anti-waste campaign
Stars’n’Bars was given a National Energy Globe Award prize at COP26 for its 2020 European Waste Reduction Week campaign featuring eye-catching posters that tickled funny bones.
AMF President talks crypto currency
The President of the French Financial Markets Authority has told a luncheon debate in Monaco that crypto currencies and other digital assets should be regulated at the national level.
MEB presents Monaco labour market’s strong points
Monaco has seen a 60% growth in its tech sector over the past decade, it was revealed at a recent MEB event where the Principality’s employment opportunities were laid out.
GDP per employee was €106,719 in 2020
Monaco’s GDP fell by a significant 11.8% last year as Covid took its grip on the Principality, according to a new report by statistics group IMSEE.
Over 65s in France will need booster to keep health pass
French President Emmanuel Macron has announced that, starting in December, all French residents and nationals over the age of 65 must get a booster shot to retain their health passes.