
Stephanie Horsman

Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.

Author’s Articles

Monaco’s European Heritage Day schedule

The Mairie and municipal sites have released their programme for the upcoming European Heritage Day celebrations, opening their doors to the public completely free of charge. 

"We will continue to live with this virus”

French Scientist Jean-Pierre Petit has told MEB members that the world economy has held up surprisingly well despite the health crisis, giving hope to Monegasque investors.

The best British boarding schools presented at the YCM

The British Boarding Schools Show is coming to town for its second edition on 29th September, putting parents in front of the very best of British private education.

CFM Indosuez initiates Monaco’s first solidarity finance offer

CFM Indosuez has inaugurated an innovative solidarity finance offer with the Oceanographic Institute with a donation of €130,000, 30% of which comes from investors fees.

MDO Monte-Carlo Prize confirmed for November 2022

Entries are now open for the MDO Monte-Carlo Prize, an international award for outstanding companies in terms of innovation, technology, design and sustainability.

IMSEE releases second quarter economic results

The first six months of this year saw strong recovery in most aspects of the economy, however there are sectors that are still struggling with the impact of the Covid pandemic.