
Stephanie Horsman

Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.

Author’s Articles

Roca Team knocked out of Coupe de France

The Roca team’s Coupe de France hopes were shattered on Saturday with their 76 to 83 loss against Orleans Loiret at the Palais du Sport in Orleans.   

Prince Albert: “This is not the America I know”

Prince Albert says that President Trump “has to be held accountable” for his role in the riots at the United States Capitol that left five dead, including a police officer.

Villefranche fort gets €300,000 for renovations

The historic Citadel in Villefranche-sur-Mer has been awarded €300,000 from the ‘Loto du Patrimoine 2020’ to make much-needed repairs, but more funds are still needed.

France “cannot lower its guard” says PM

France's border with the UK will remain closed to keep a Covid variant at bay and the vaccination programme will be stepped up with a target of one million by the end of January.

Monaco’s cable car project under review

In an effort to lighten the traffic load in the Principality, the government is looking at a new cable car service to connect different neighbourhoods, though many questions still remain.

ASM starts year with resounding victory

AS Monaco began 2021 on a high note, positively pummelling FC Lorient five to two at the opponent’s home turf.