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Compensation for childcare during the crisis

As school closures force parents to stay home to mind their children, the government has set out to explain how families will be compensated for these unplanned work stoppages.

Monaco declares €50 million economic package

The Monaco Government has announced that it will release €50 million to counteract the impact of the Covid-19 crisis.

Economic impact spreading faster than Covid-19

As Italy goes into lockdown and tourism businesses enter a tail-spin, there are calls for governments to put as much effort into halting the economic impact of Covid-19 as treating the health crisis.

Port Palace hotel under new ownership

French property investor The Madar Group has just bought the Port Palace from Lofti Maktouf. Their plan is to update the hotel to meet the expectations of today’s savvy young clientele.

Markets weekly

After Super Tuesday last week showed former vice president Joe Biden resurrecting his campaign and halting Bernie Sander’s progress, this Tuesday sees a flurry of state primaries and caucuses.

Barclays named best private bank in Monaco for Sustainable and Impact

Euromoney has announced Barclays Private Bank as the best private bank in Monaco for ESG/Impact Investing, according to its 2020 Private Banking and Wealth Management Survey.