Business & Finance

Latest news

Hotel and Restaurant sector continues with strong growth

The hotel and restaurant sectors of Monaco have shown strong growth for the fifth year in a row.

Monaco Telecom acquires Vodaphone Malta

An acquisition deal has been struck between Monaco Telecom and Vodaphone Malta (VFML) for a cash consideration equal to an enterprise value of €250 million.

JCEM presents 2019 Entrepreneurship Trophies

Monaco’s Young Chamber of Commerce (JCEM) followed up a successful first edition of its Entrepreneurship Trophies in 2018 with another this year by awarding three Monegasque companies. 

AMADE and MonacoTech join forces

AMADE and MonacoTech have launched a mobile app that will help protect children on the African continent and provide them with access to education and health services.

Markets weekly

The week ahead is set to be dominated by sentiment towards the US-China trade dispute, though on the data front looks quieter than previous weeks as we enter the festive period.

The MEB and its missions

The Monaco Economic Board is the entity responsible for developing business within Monaco and internationally, and for also luring business to Monaco.