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Trader's union wants blanket rental relief

The president of Monaco’s Trader’s Union is calling on the government to step in amid complaints that private owners are not offering rental relief for small businesses in the Principality.

Salaried employees up 2.9% in 2019

Monaco’s private sector saw a 2.9% rise last year in workers holding full time contracts over the year before.

Only two hotels remain open

SBM has closed all of its hotels in Monaco except the Hôtel de Paris and the Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort, accommodating long-term guests and those who are unable to return home.

Cash bonus for those on the front line

Monaco’s Minister of State Serge Telle has revealed that a €1,000 bonus will be paid to all public service officials and agents who have been fully mobilised during the coronavirus crisis.

Digital applications for CTTR

Companies in the Principality who wish to apply for Reinforced Total Temporary Unemployment (CTTR) for their employees can now carry out the procedures online.

Monaco boosts recovery package

The Prince’s Government has presented additional economic support measures to the National Council for approval, saying it is listening to Monaco's business people.