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Protecting HNWIs

According to security expert Matthias Fitzthum, drones and staff pose the biggest risks to HNWIs, family offices and top executives. And the Covid-19 crisis has only made the situation worse.

Special parking rates

Unique hourly rates are being implemented at many of the Principality’s parking garages during the deconfinement period to help make the transition back to normal less expensive for residents.

Luxury goods market set to contract up to 35% in 2020

Faced with a global collapse driven by lockdowns and the shutdown of tourism in all key markets, the luxury industry faces a challenge like never before.

Telework to continue long after pandemic

The National Council has unanimously voted in a bill making telecommuting obligatory in the Principality for those whose jobs permit it.

ECB ups economic stimulus measures

The European Central Bank (ECB) has announced new measures to ease the strain on countries who have seen record economic downturn since the beginning of the health crisis.

Amazon extends warehouse closures

Amazon announced Monday that they would keep distribution centre doors shut until 5th May after a judge in France rejected their appeal restricting deliveries during the Covid epidemic.