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Artistic pursuits in Monaco

The combination of residents and galleries in Monaco continues to remind me that the Principality is an unspoken museum. There are works of art on every corner of every street. I’ll lay money on...

Back to work for Ballets de Monte-Carlo

All dancers of the Ballets de Monte-Carlo have been given Covid-19 tests ahead of a return to the company and rigorous training schedules. 

Interview: Grimaldi Forum Managing Director Sylvie Biancheri

Sylvie Biancheri speaks to Monaco Life about how the Covid-19 crisis is impacting the Grimaldi Forum, an institution which generates €68 million in spin-offs for the Principality.

OPMC releases new lockdown song

The Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra recently released a special lockdown performance titled ‘Someday we’ll all be free’, supported by Prince Albert II of Monaco.

Artmonte-carlo adapts to crisis

A beautiful catalogue of art work accompanied by commentary is replacing this year’s artmonte-carlo event, which was due to take place at the Grimaldi Forum this week.

Entertainment during lockdown

We have put together videos by Alessandra Tognoloni, one of the principal dancers of Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo, and Emma Wilkinson, formerly of the Lido in Paris and now with MC Performers.