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New BBC series gives rare glimpse into life in Monaco

A host of Monaco personalities, including Prince Albert, have taken part in a new BBC2 series entitled 'Inside Monaco: Playground of the Rich'.  

Digital forum showcasing local artists

The 5th Monaco Artists Forum, featuring both amateur and professional artists in the Principality, kicks off on Friday 5th June and will take the form of a virtual exhibition this year.

Interview: Hani Farsi

Monaco life spoke to Monaco-based filmmaker, entrepreneur, hotelier and philanthropist Hani Farsi about films past, present and future in a post-Covid world. 

Princely family inaugurates new Casino Square

The sun shone brightly above Monte Carlo on Tuesday as Prince Albert and Princess Charlene proudly inaugurated the new Casino Square and celebrated the reopening of the Café de Paris.

Oceanographic Museum reopens with deals and loads of fun

After 11 weeks of forced closure due to the health crisis, the Oceanographic Museum is reopening to the public. Get ready to reconnect to one of Monaco’s most popular and beloved venues with fun...

Monaco signs pact to protect cultural heritage sites

Monaco has agreed to co-fund the protection of two key heritage sites - the Raqqa museum in northeastern Syria, and the Saint-Antoine de Deddé church in Lebanon.