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Covid tracking app almost ready

A smartphone app which will alert authorities and those who have been in direct contact with a person diagnosed with Covid-19 is set to be launched in limited form starting in mid-May, according to...

The rise of digital health care

The government has authorised doctors to tele-consult with patients in certain situations, allowing health care providers to perform a variety of tasks that don’t require face-to-face interaction. 

Monaco Scientific Centre starts Covid testing

After delays and missing pieces, limited rhino-pharyngeal PCR testing for Covid-19 can now begin in the Principality.

AMSN opens new safety centre

Digital security is still a key focus in the Principality despite the current crisis.

Digital applications for CTTR

Companies in the Principality who wish to apply for Reinforced Total Temporary Unemployment (CTTR) for their employees can now carry out the procedures online.

Digital documents have equal status

Since December 2019, digital and paper documents have had the same legal value under a new law. The government is now using this law to entice businesses and stimulate economic activity.