
Cassandra Tanti

Cassandra Tanti is the Editor in Chief of Monaco Life. She is a qualified journalist and editor with 20 years’ experience in the digital, print, radio and television news industries.

Author’s Articles

Monaco readies for increase in domestic violence

Monaco Life Editor Cassandra Tanti interviews two leading figures on women's rights in Monaco about a potential surge in domestic violence and how victims/witnesses should be reacting.

Council proposes raft of measures for Covid-19 crisis

The National Council is calling for widespread testing for Covid-19 in Monaco, saying around 200,000 tests are need for both residents and workers.

Trader's union wants blanket rental relief

The president of Monaco’s Trader’s Union is calling on the government to step in amid complaints that private owners are not offering rental relief for small businesses in the Principality.

Monaco records first hospital death

Monaco has recorded its first death of a patient suffering from Covid-19. The person, aged in their 80s, was a non-resident but was being treated in the Principality.

Home confinement extended by two weeks

Prince Albert has ordered the extension of lockdown measures until 15th April, in line with a decision taken in neighbouring France.

Home Patient Monitoring Centre established

The Prince's Government has established a dedicated unit responsible for caring for Covid-19 patients who have mild symptoms and are confined to their homes.