
Stephanie Horsman

Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.

Author’s Articles

Oceanographic Museum seeking summer staff

The Oceanographic Museum is recruiting for seasonal positions to cover the summer and holiday periods, giving interested people the chance to work in this important Monaco institution.

Monaco Pavilion in Dubai marks exciting milestone

With just four days to go at the Universal Exposition in Dubai, the Monaco Pavilion hit the million-visitor milestone.

€3,000 raised for civilian victims of Ukraine conflict

An event that looked at the geopolitical and economic consequences of the Ukrainian war was also able to raise a total of €3,000 in donations to help those in need from the war-torn nation.

France to suspend short-haul flights from April

France will soon be the first EU nation to stop air travel to destinations that can be reached by a 2.4-hour train journey in an effort to lessen the country’s carbon footprint.

Monaco welcomes the Munegu Repair Café

Volunteers at the Munegu Repair Café attempt to fix broken, transportable items that would otherwise go to landfill, while teaching the skills to make future repairs at home.

Supporting Ukrainians through culture

Several Monaco artists and cultural players are donating proceeds from upcoming events to the Monaco Red Cross to support Ukrainians in their time of need.