
Stephanie Horsman

Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.

Author’s Articles

Monaco Red Touch Challenge aimed at youth

The first everMonaco Red Touch Challenge, organised by Le Pôle Jeunesse, is daring young people to come up with projects that will better lives and help the environment.

Monaco to hand out tons of free oranges

The Department of Urban Planning is doing its annual bitter orange tree pruning and will have about a ton of fresh oranges up for grabs to the populace free of charge in the coming weeks.

Kids take centre stage in January

For the month of January, a series of shows and concerts are being organised by the Théâtre des Muses and the Philharmonic Opera to amuse the youngest residents of Monaco.

Café de Paris to move house across Casino Square

The legendary Café de Paris will be taking up temporary residence in the glamorous Salle Empire at the Hotel de Paris during an extensive one-year renovation of the original Monte-Carlo site.

Monaco welcomes new state-of-the-art equipment

The Cardio-Thoracic Centre of Monaco has a new super high-tech machine, the first in the world, which is capable of detecting specific cardiovascular pathologies in patients.

Macron handed “key” to new 50,000m2 police station

The French President has come to Nice to officially set the ball in motion for an ambitious new police station that will cost €200 million to complete and accommodate 2,000 municipal and national...