
Stephanie Horsman

Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.

Author’s Articles

Latest budget “more in line with reality”

Thursday’s amendment by the National Council to the State’s doom and gloom budget of June shows not the forecasted deficit, but a fairly healthy one that is nearly balanced.

Prince and Princess commemorated with €2 coin

To mark the 10th wedding anniversary of the Prince and Princess of Monaco, the Principality has unveiled a limited edition €2 coin depicting the profiles of the Princely couple.

Prince addresses United Nations

Prince Albert II participated in the United Nations General Assembly meetings last month emphasising important issues such as sport, ocean protection and sustainable development.  

Roca team trounced by Metropolitans

AS Monaco suffered a big loss against Boulogne-Levalllois’s Metropolitans in the second match of the Betclic Elite games, plunging them to 12th place in the standings.

Monaco’s Atomic Energy Lab celebrates 60 years of research

For the past six decades, Monaco’s Atomic Energy Laboratory has been investigating the effects of radioactivity and pollution on marine ecosystems.

Sportel awards winners announced

The most beautiful sports sequences and the best sports book of the year have been recognised at Tuesday night’s Sportel Awards ceremony at the Grimaldi Forum.