
Cassandra Tanti

Cassandra Tanti is the Editor in Chief of Monaco Life. She is a qualified journalist and editor with 20 years’ experience in the digital, print, radio and television news industries.

Author’s Articles

Gottlieb's anti-drink driving association adds new car to shuttle fleet

Be Safe, the drink-driving awareness association initiated by Princess Stephanie’s daughter Camille Gottlieb, has been gifted with a shuttle car by the National Council.

Monaco puts sport on the international agenda

Monaco has initiated a declaration highlighting the important role that sport and physical activity played during the coronavirus crisis and calling on all countries to include these in their...

Government extends financial aid 

The Prince's Government has taken new steps to support businesses in Monaco affected by the Covid-19 crisis and to help save jobs.

€300 fine for discarding masks in public

People caught littering masks and other Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) in public face a €300 fine as the Monaco government steps up efforts to combat the latest scourge on the environment.

No compulsory return to school

It will not be mandatory for students in Monaco to return to classrooms on Monday like France because, reasoned the government on Wednesday, the school year will end only four days later.

Monaco says final goodbye to Baroness de Massy

Baroness Elizabeth-Ann de Massy has been laid to rest following a private ceremony with members of the Princely family and the various organisations to whom she dedicated much of her life to.