
Cassandra Tanti

Cassandra Tanti is the Editor in Chief of Monaco Life. She is a qualified journalist and editor with 20 years’ experience in the digital, print, radio and television news industries.

Author’s Articles

Monaco will finish pavilion, despite postponement

It’s official. Expo 2020 Dubai, in which Monaco has a pavilion, will be postponed for a year because of the coronavirus crisis. But it won't stop Monaco from pushing ahead with its construction. 

Artmonte-carlo adapts to crisis

A beautiful catalogue of art work accompanied by commentary is replacing this year’s artmonte-carlo event, which was due to take place at the Grimaldi Forum this week.

Interview: Nicolas Vogogna, student

Nicolas Vogogna is a 15-year-old student in Monaco completing his last year of high school. He spoke to Monaco Life about what it’s been like during lockdown.

100 free digital tablets for elderly

The most isolated and vulnerable people in Monaco during the Covid-19 health crisis, the elderly, are being given free digital devices to help stay in touch with family while maintaining social...

Post-lockdown plan set in motion

The government has outlined its three-phase plan to pull the Principality out of lockdown, starting within the week.

Dancing through lockdown

Every day at 10.30am, Monte-Carlo Ballet principal dancer Alessandra Tognoloni starts her morning quarantine class. She has a 1.5 square metre piece of linoleum to dance on – a gift from...